The Under Presents Wiki

“No one is quite like you. And you must embrace the most special part of you, to really discover your path.”

Agate (also sometimes referred to as Agath), is a kindhearted sweeper skeleton—one of the first to arrive in The Under alongside her former best friend Isabella.

She enjoys sweeping, singing, and eating "sparkly onions" (poisoned onions) when she finds them lying about. The sparkly onions cause her to lose focus, and needs to eat broccoli to snap out of it. Agate has pondered who it is that leaves the onions, and after realizing it isn't the Timesprites, has concluded that perhaps it is the M.C., though she doesn't know what motive he would have for doing so.

The 5 Gardens[]

Agath started to grow 5 Gardens around the under that would grow into Trees one day. Garden #1 is near Stage in the Tire, Garden #2 is Below the Waterslide, Garden #3 at the Island next to the Grass, Garden #4 in the Cistern, and Garden #5 is at the Waterway. Ever since Agath started growing the gardens, Isabella has started targeting them, trying to get rid of the gardens by drying them up with Golden Salt Shakers.


  • Used to be best friends with Isabella (then called Dorothy).
  • Bonded to Dotty (broom).



The under Presents- Agath paying respect to Burniece.



The Under Presents: Agath Growing a Garden
